1042 E Schaumburg Rd, Streamwood, IL 60107
Try a Free Class

It’s Your Time Now to Make a Change

Congratulations on finally making a promise to yourself by putting on your sneakers and hitting the gym. Now that the hardest part is over, don’t get discouraged or intimidated because, at the end of the day, everyone starts somewhere. Most experts say one of the best ways to gain confidence is by making a commitment to yourself and sticking to it.

What better way to start than joining a gym? Whether your goal is to lose body fat, build muscle, or just increase your overall health DZ BootCamp is your place.

Why us? Because unlike any other facility, our primary purpose is to help turn your fitness into a lifestyle, and we do that with a three-step protocol. The first is health, habits are second, and happiness is the final step.

We don’t judge, everybody’s here for the same reason. Each class is 45 minutes long, and you’re working with a certified fitness trainer that will make sure your form, technique, and accountability are on point. Between weight training, cardio, boxing, kickboxing, DZ Bootcamp brings a variety of classes to you.

Don’t wait, remember, time is irreplaceable and irreversible. Don’t look back at your life with regrets a wise man once said: “Most people die at 25, but they don’t get buried until they’re 75.”

Health Habits & and Happiness.

Don Zorbas, the Diet Consultant, owner of DZ Bootcamp.

“We specialize in fat loss, not weight loss.”

Don Zorbas